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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Lacson's treachery should forwarn all-CPP
May 15, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said that supposed opposition presidential aspirant Sen. Panfilo Lacson's grand treachery in the last elections should be a warning for all, reactionaries as well as progressives and the people alike, about dealing with the man.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that Lacson's recent moves have only made more obvious to all now that Lacson has long been in connivance with Malaca�ang to intentionally frustrate the opposition's presidential bid and early on concede the elections to the incumbent.

He said Lacson's deal with Malaca�ang included insisting on his candidacy to split the oppposition, his continuous rankling of the oppositon to weaken its electoral campaign, his backing out from the Jose Pidal expose, his malicious insinuations about protest actions against the massive electoral fraud and lately his premature concession of the victory of the incumbent.

Rosal said that all this is in exchange for large under-the-table campaign contributions and gratuities and

for the promise of a large share of power in line with Malaca�ang's renewed "government of national unity" tack and more spoils in the next administration.

"We have not necessarily cast our lot with others in the reactionary oppositon. Nor do we believe that among the reactionaries, Lacson has a monopoly of betraying the people or other oppositionists," Rosal explained.

"What we are saying is that Lacson cannot be trusted at all, not by the opposition, and neither by the administration with whom he is now playing footsies, and certainly not by the people. The revolutionary and progressive forces have never trusted him, and his latest acts have only strengthened the basis for such mistrust."

Rosal called on all concerned to be on guard as Lacson "can be expected to use the huge campaign contributions and gratuities he has pocketed and his expected share of power and spoils to throw his weight around, with the blessings of a grateful administration."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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