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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Fraud-ridden GMA "victory" weakens and hastens downfall of the rotten system-CPP
June 21, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said that by steamrolling Arroyo's proclamation in spite of unresolved doubts about the veracity of the canvass, Malaca�ang and Arroyo's loyal majority in the joint congressional canvass committee have turned the recent elections into a grandiose fraud and have highlighted the farcical nature of the entire electoral process under the present political and social system.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that these recent developments have proven in no uncertain terms the CPP's view that elections in the Philippines under the present reactionary system cannot be truly free, fair and democratic.

"They now serve only to emphasize and make urgent the need for wholesale revolutionary socio-economic and political changes. The New People's Army is all the more justified in advancing the revolutionary armed struggle," Rosal added.

He said a vast majority of the people do not find the recent elections as credible because of widespread anomaly in the conduct of the elections and the counting of votes. "Arroyo's fraud-ridden victory only exposes the rottenness and weakness of the ruling reactionary system and further boosts the revolutionary struggle."

Rosal pointed out that Arroyo's forced proclamation as president despite grave doubts about her actual victory seriously weakens her regime and only renders it unstable. "Arroyo is her own regime's destabilizer," he added.

Rosal said that Arroyo's continued reign will only give the people the opportunity to make her pay for the economic and political crimes she has committed against the Filipino people. "Her scheduled inauguration on June 30 should also mark the commencement of the movement to oust Arroyo from Malaca�ang," said Rosal.

The CPP spokesman noted that there is also widespread anger against recent economic policies and measures that only bring about further economic hardships among the people. These include government collusion with super-exploiters such as MERALCO and foreign oil companies to allow unjust increases in electricity rates and the prices of petroleum products and other basic commodities, the extraction of more taxes from ordinary people, and the like.

Rosal said that protests amidst the confluence of current economic and political problems and issues seriously affecting the people are fast gathering into a heavy political storm that will beat down upon the wobbly government until its eventual collapse. "The weakness and instability of the Arroyo regime at the same time hastens the downfall of the entire rotten reactionary system."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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