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Communist Party of the Philippines

Arroyo provoking people to end her regime -- CPP
September 5, 2004

By carrying out measures that worsen the people's economic plight and serve the interests of big business, Gloria Arroyo is provoking the people to struggle to end her regime, said the Communist Party of the Philippines.

"The people seethe in anger against the Arroyo regime over its decision to raise electricity rates and its plans to let the people shoulder several new tax burdens," said CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal.

"Only a few months have passed since the last elections, and yet the people already intensely desire to put an end to the Arroyo regime," Rosal said.

"Ordinary people have been expressing to us their utter disgust over the Arroyo government's tax and austerity measures that impose an additional burden on the people," Rosal said. "They are also scandalized by Malaca�ang's conspicuous spending--from its continued use of luxury vehicles to Arroyo's extravagant foreign junkets."

Rosal furthermore pointed out that her recent trip to China fueled speculations about deals forged between the Arroyo government and big comprador businessman Lucio Tan who accompanied the government delegation on a chartered flight of Philippine Airlines (PAL), which is owned by Tan.

He also said that contracts and agreements amounting to several hundred million dollars forged with Chinese companies will most likely be sources of heightened corruption by pro-Arroyo bureuacrat capitalists.

Rosal urged the people "to wage intensified mass struggles to resist the Arroyo regime's attacks against their living conditions and demand wage increases and better social conditions."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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