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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP warns Arroyo government against compromise with Marcoses
September 24, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today warned the Arroyo government against compromising with Imelda Marcos and former cronies of the Marcos dictatorship.

Reacting to Malaca�ang pronouncements that it was seeking a "closure of the Marcos issue", CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the statement smacks of a deal where Imelda will be let off the hook in exchange for a share of the Marcos loot.

Rosal said it was deplorable that successive reactionary regimes from Aquino to Arroyo have failed to mete out swift and appropriate justice on Imelda Marcos and the Marcos cronies because of their interest in the Marcos' ill-gotten wealth. "They are all thieves!" said Rosal.

Rosal pointed out that the only thing that gets in the way of a compromise agreement between Imelda Marcos and Gloria Arroyo is the vigilance of victims of the Marcos dictatorship and other people's organizations.

In a related development, Rosal laughed off Imelda's claims that her husband was not a dictator.

"The people's history has adjudged Ferdinand Marcos as the Philippine Hitler," Rosal said. "She cannot alter the people's judgment with her delusional statements."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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