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Communist Party of the Philippines

"Project:Bayanihan" is US bribe in exchange for military intervention, CPP says
April 13, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today deplored the US armed forces for dangling civic work to bribe local government officials and the public in exchange for allowing the US military unrestricted movement and operations within Philippine territory in direct violation of and disregard for the Filipino people's sovereignty.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal issued the statement in reaction to announcements made yesterday by the US Pacific Command and the AFP Southern Command about US plans to carry out "humanitarian and civic projects" in Jolo island under the program "Project: Bayanihan".

By offering such projects, said Rosal, the US is exploiting the Joloanons' urgent need for civic projects and basic services that the Philippine government has failed to provide the people.

Through such bribes, he said, "bootlicking officials of the Arroyo government want to make the Filipino people swallow their national dignity and sacrifice their national sovereignty on the altar of US military interventionism."

"Against the sovereign interest of the Filipino people, the US military is now using Jolo, like the rest of Philippines, as a base of the operations of the US Pacific Command," added Rosal.

Rosal called on the Filipino people to reject the "bribes of the US government, oppose the puppetry of the Arroyo regime and fight for Philippine national sovereignty against US military intervention."

In a related development, Rosal said that statements made by US Charg� d'Affairs Joseph Mussomeli describing the Philippines as the "Mecca of terrorists" is part of the "US' continuing psy-war operations to prepare public opinion in the Philippines to accept full-scale US military intervention in the country."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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