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Communist Party of the Philippines

Attack on oil companies, symbolic acts protest against oil price increases -- CPP
November 6, 2004

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal today released the following statement regarding the attack against the Caltex and Petron offices.

The attack against the offices of two of the three biggest oil companies yesterday morning are clearly symbolic acts of protest against the unjust and repeated increases in oil prices by bloodsucking foreign multinational oil companies. It is apparent that the acts were carried out with maximum political impact in mind, rather than to cause maximum damage.

While we await an official report from the New People's Army (NPA) on the matter, it is quite clear that the question whether the New People's Army (NPA) had any responsibility is a secondary question.

Let us train our attention on the more important issue at hand. Specifically, let us tackle the insatiable greed for superprofits of foreign multinational oil companies which has resulted in the incessant increases in oil prices these past few months. These bloodsuckers ceaselessly jack up the retail prices of oil products with an aim to pocket superprofits and with complete disregard for the welfare of the Filipino people.

Shell, Caltex and Petron are only local branches of large foreign multinationals that act as a cartel and which have commanding control of the international oil industry. Among these are Royal Dutch Shell which owns Shell Philippines and ChevronTexaco which owns Caltex Philippines. Saudi Aramco, a Saudi Arabian nationalized corporation which owns 40% of Petron, is a company that is in strategic partnership with the international oil cartel.

Foreign multinational oil companies' claim that they need to increase prices because of increases in the price of crude oil in the international market is a complete falsehood. As a matter of fact, Shell, Caltex and Petron buy crude from their own mother companies which are also in the business of oil extraction. The six biggest oil companies, in fact, extract as much crude as all Middle East OPEC member countries combined.

Thus, when the prices of crude oil go up, as they have in the past months, these foreign multinational oil companies are among those who rake in the biggest profits. Therefore, the incessant increases in oil prices by foreign multinational oil companies are completely baseless, unjust and excessive.

These foreign multinational bloodsucking companies deserve the wrath of the Filipino people. The Filipino people are also completely incensed by how the Arroyo government has constantly guarded and defended the so-called rights of these companies to increase oil prices and cause grave suffering to the toiling masses.

The Red fighters of the New People's Army (NPA), in unison with the clamor of the Filipino people against the burdensome increases in oil prices, are ready to carry out actions that will help in the struggle against profit-hungry foreign oil companies and the puppet Arroyo government.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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