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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP warns against intensified US military intervention with Bush reelection
November 6, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines today said that the reelection of US President George W. Bush will "embolden the world's leading warmonger into carrying out more wars of aggression, colonization and military intervention of the worst kind."

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that even now, the US government is gearing for the escalation of US military intervention in the Philippines."

"In the next four years, we will see the US government pushing more vigorously for amendments to the constitution to allow parity rights for giant firms, carry out more trainings for the AFP, station more American troops in the Philippines, take a more active combat role in the counterrevolutionary war and use the Philippines as a platform for military intervention in Southeast Asia and the Pacific," Rosal explained.

One of "the most immediate items on the US agenda," Rosal pointed out, is "gaining a bigger hand in determining the AFP's strategic and tactical policies."

According to Rosal, this is "the ulterior motive" behind the so-called US offer to help curb AFP corruption and carry out joint military trainings.

"The AFP is the US' most trusted organization in the Philippines. It is the reactionary vanguard that is at the forefront of defending US interests," Rosal said.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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