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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

AFP operations to silence Ka Roger and the CPP continue to fail
May 10, 2005

For more than five months now, the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has been launching a massive military operation against the CPP Information Bureau and the CPP spokesperson.

Their operations, however, have constantly failed. This manifests both the deep-going support of the masses for the New People's Army (NPA) and the NPA's military skills and superior knowledge of the terrain.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal is safe and is among the masses and Red fighters of the New People's Army.

The AFP has been launching a persistent military operation against the CPP Information Bureau in its desperation to silence the Communist Party. This is because the CPP and its spokesperson has consistently exposed the lies being spewed by the AFP and its widespread violations of human rights in the course of its so-called "war against terror".

The AFP and the Arroyo regime feel extreme hatred for the CPP spokesperson who has effectively expressed the Filipino people's indignation over the intensified political repression against mass-based organizations, the Arroyo regime's puppetry to US imperialism, the large-scale corruption of the Arroyo family and over the imposition of additional taxes, rising prices and refusal to raise wages.

In their desperation to silence the CPP and its spokesman, the Arroyo regime and the AFP have been threatening media broadcasters and journalists who have provided the CPP and its spokesperson an opportunity to express its views. In line with its "war against terror" dogma, it has even come up with a proposal to ban the media from interviewing the CPP spokesman.

These efforts have been vigorously opposed by freedom-loving media organizations. They refuse to be cowed and refuse to swallow the fascist view that only the government and the AFP should be the sole source of information.

The AFP's campaign of suppression directed against the CPP and its spokesperson have failed and will continue to fail. Their efforts to suppress the truth will be opposed by the CPP and the Filipino people.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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