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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP warns of US plans to launch "terror attacks" in RP
March 26, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today warned against US terrorist attacks in the Philippines that it would blame on other threat groups" in an attempt to justify the escalation of US military intervention in the country.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that a travel advisory issued by the US State Department on Wednesday warning of "multiple terror attacks" across the Philippines was merely a publicity spin to deflect blame from the US military. The US claimed that the attacks would be perpetrated by the Jemaah Islamiyah, the Abu Sayyaf and "radical elements" within the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The MILF has denied the US' accusations.

Rosal laughed off the so-called intelligence reports on which the US based its travel advisory, recalling how the US fabricated tales about Iraq harboring "weapons of mass destruction" to justify its invasion of that country.

Rosal added that the CPP's charges of US involvement in bombings and other terrorist attacks are bolstered by the case of CIA operative Michael Meiring who was arrested in a Davao City hotel in 2002 after a bomb he was preparing accidentally exploded and injured him. The incident occured amid a spate of bombings in Mindanao. Meiring was never investigated as he was extricated posthaste from his hospital detention and whisked off to the US by American and Philippine intelligence units.

Rosal also said that it would not be farfetched for the US' "dirty tricks department" to hatch bombings in the Philippines through its agents and contacts within the Abu Sayyaf. The US-Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) tie-up is grounded in history, said Rosal, with the ASG's founders being mujaheedin veterans of the CIA-trained anti-Soviet resistance in Afghanistan. Rosal said that instances of collusion among the US, AFP and ASG now abound.

Escalating US military intervention

Behind US claims of heightened security threats across the country, said Rosal, is a desire to justify its military presence in more and more areas of the Philippines, as well as the scaled-up participation of US troops in supposed anti-terrorist operations.

The CPP had earlier denounced joint military exercises between US and AFP troops in Southern Tagalog from February to March as a smokescreen for intelligence-gathering operations in preparation for full-scale US military aggression.

The US has since announced that it was sending US troops anew to Basilan, signalling a renewed US drive against Moro forces. Prior to this, US military advisers played a prominent role in a fierce military campaign against the Moro National Liberation Front in Sulu, with their presence noted in tactical command posts set up by AFP units involved in the anti-MNLF operation.

Rosal called on the Filipino people to be vigilant and to vigorously expose and oppose all attempts by the US to trample on Philippine sovereignty.

He reiterated the New People's Army's right to defend itself and the people against US military intervention and aggression should US troops directly engage in combat operations against the people and the revolutionary forces.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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