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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP still see possibility of Arroyo ouster
August 28, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines today said that "there is a growing possibility that Arroyo will be ousted through the demonstration and uprising of millions of people similar to the ouster of Estrada in 2001 and Marcos in 1986."

This was expressed today by CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal who said that "Arroyo is extremely isolated from the people because of her pro-imperialist, militarist and rotten policies and practices."

Rosal said "even the reactionary opposition are now calling for Arroyo's resignation and supporting mass actions for Arroyo's ouster."

Rosal also took note of increasing restiveness among soldiers. "We encourage them to approach and support the democratic mass movement and coordinate plans to overthrow the Arroyo regime."

Rosal cited "at least ten reasons why the Filipino people should act now to end the Arroyo regime."

In a statement released to the media, Rosal cited among others the "big time corruption involving the Arroyo couple."

He also cited Arroyo's signing of the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement which "gives the US military to use the entire country as a big military base" as well as "allowing Balikatan 'war exercises' which paved the way for increasing US intervention in the Philippines."

Rosal also castigated the Arroyo government for scuttling the peace talks and carrying out of terrorist bombings in Davao and other parts of the country and for supporting the US war of aggression against Iraq which he said "violates international standards in the civilized relationship of sovereign countries."

He also cited as a reason Arroyo's "all-out war of terror" which has resulted in widespread militarization and violations of human rights especially in Mindoro, Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Cagayan Valley, Compostela Valley and other places.

In the economic field, Rosal cited Arroyo's continued implementation of the policies of liberalization which were dictated by the IMF-WB-WTO and the destruction of the countries forces of production and the people's livelihood.

"Arroyo should also be held liable for endorsing the large-scale landgrabbing by people like Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco," Rosal added.

"While refusing to raise the wages of workers and government employees, Arroyo has failed to stop the increases in oil prices, as well as water and electricty," Rosal added.

Rosal said the New People's Army "will continue intensifying its armed tactical offensives against the AFP and other armed groups of the state in order to advance the armed revolution in the entire country and deal strong blows to the Arroyo regime."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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