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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Terrorism of GMA's AFP and PNP intensifying in Southern Tagalog - Ka Roger
October 18, 2001

The Communist Party of the Philippines, through its spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, roundly condemned the continued and worsening terrorism in Southern Tagalog perpetrated by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's mercenary Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Up to 93 cases of violations of human rights have occurred in the region as of September 15. In these cases, a total of 276 individuals in 20 communities as well as 24 families were victimized in 61 incidents involving military atrocities.

"Thirteen battalions (16th IB, 68th IB, 34th Special Company [SFC], 18th Scout Rangers Company [SRC], 6th SFC, the 32nd and the 33rd Special Action Force [SAF] Coy of the 3rd Regional SAF Bn) of the AFP and PNP spread out in the region's 10 provinces are trying to outdo each other in sowing terror," said the spokesperson. This has led to the death of many civilians suspected as members or supporters of the New People's Army (NPA) and NPA fighters who had been rendered hors de combat or incapable of fighting. This is likewise what led to the death of PCI Abelardo Martin, a former prisoner of war who was set to be released, and another helpless policeman in San Pablo City.

He added that the rapid deployment to Mindoro Oriental in April of more than 10 companies, all of which were pulled out from various areas in the country, is a manifestation of the anger felt by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) for the people of Mindoro Oriental who showed their support and high level of consciousness during the NPA's release of its prisoner of war Maj. Noel S. Buan on April 6, 2001.

The militarists and terrorists within the GRP who were thoroughly put to shame, could not accept the fact that the Melito Glor Command had the capability to keep in its custody a prisoner of war of Buan's category, and treat him well, leniently and humanely," said Ka Roger.

Ka Roger cited some of the latest cases against the butchers: the arrest and torture on September 27 of four Mangyan tribesmen who were likewise forced to become guides; the illegal arrest of two women on September 30; the capture and forced disappearance of two suspected NPA members on September 7; and the torture and harassment in August of a civilian who refused to follow orders from soldiers.

The spokesperson assailed the all-out endorsement and support of Macapagal-Arroyo for "her terrorist and mercenary soldiers" despite her much-vaunted "all-out peace" policy. He said that "The widespread militarism and rampant violations of human rights prove to the Filipino people that the real terrorists are the reactionary and mercenary AFP and PNP � (and) their commander-in-chief.. the principal puppet� Macapagal-Arroyo."

Ka Roger also condemned Macapagal-Arroyo's all-out support for US imperialist terrorism: "The United States of America is the leading terrorist, considering the level and scale of the suppression and devastation it has wrought from the 19th century up to the present."

Ka Roger said that while the national and international crisis intensifies and deepens, the revolutionary mass movement will advance its anti-imperialist and socialist aspirations. He concluded that "The revolutionary movement led by the Party will continue to resist terrorism in whatever form and whichever side it may have sprung." ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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