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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

No internal struggle: CPP united on matter of peace talks - Ka Roger
March 30, 2002

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) reiterated that the Party and all units of the New People's Army stand "solidly united behind the policy of conducting peace talks while carrying out revolutionary armed struggle".

This was expressed today by CPP National Spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal who branded as "another third-rate fiction concocted by the psywar department of the AFP" the claim yesterday by the Philippine Army that a leadership struggle within the CPP is blocking the resumption of peace talks.

"More than anything else, it is the militarism and puppetry of the Macapagal-Arroyo government that is imperilling the peace talks," Rosal said.

Rosal further stated that "the revolutionary forces are always ready to talk with the GRP as long as the GRP shows sincerity in tackling across the negotiating table the root causes of the armed conflict. Peace negotiations can be conducted alongside revolutionary armed struggle. This has been expressed by NDF consultant Jose Ma. Sison as well as the central leadership of the Communist Party."

The CPP spokesperson added that it is the GRP that is no longer interested in talking peace with the NDF. Rosal cited the recent steps of the GRP which "virtually put an end to the peace negotiations":

  1. completely casting aside the 1992 The Hague Declaration which outlines the principles and ground rules of the peace negotiations;
  2. limiting the "negotiations" to agenda-less "back-channel talks" and dissolving the GRP peace panel and degrading the status of its former negotiators to the level of emissaries;
  3. branding the NPA as "terrorist", threatening to "unleash the full force of the military" against the NPA and demanding that the revolutionaries surrender;
  4. allowing the entry of American troops and calling for more in violation of the basic principle of national sovereignty.
  5. "Macapagal-Arroyo is totally mistaken when she thinks she can defeat the NPA with her military forces. Not even with US military support, can she defeat the revolutionary armed struggle that enjoys deep and wide support among the people," Rosal concluded.

    Anne Buenaventura
    Media Officer
    Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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