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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP condemns AFP proposal to ban media interviews of anti-government forces
March 5, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today condemned the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for proposing that journalists be sanctioned for interviewing those whom the government regard as "terrorists" saying this will "open the floodgates for outright suppression of press freedom and the people's civil and political rights in the name of the 'anti-terror' dogma".

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that such a proposal to ban media interviews purportedly against those who the government regard as 'terrorists' will ultimately be used by the Arroyo regime and the AFP to suppress the people's resistance against her IMF-WTO-dictated economic policies.

Rosal said Arroyo and the AFP have the penchant for calling terrorists those who oppose the pro-imperialist and anti-people policies of the government.

"With such a dogmatic mindset, the Arroyo regime employ fascist armed suppression even against workers and peasants who struggle for wage increases and land reform," Rosal added.

"In advancing such outright fascist proposals, the Arroyo regime is increasingly becoming openly fascist in the face of the worsening crisis of the ruling system and the rise of the people's mass resistance and revolutionary struggles."

In pushing for the interview ban, "the Arroyo regime wants to ban the revolutionaries from broadcasting its ideas which are far more superior and truthful than the lies and misinformation constantly spewed by Arroyo and her spokesmen in the AFP and Malacanang."

Rosal urged the people to vigorously oppose the Anti-terrorism bill by waging militant struggle.

"However, if the Arroyo regime is able to impose open fascist rule, it would only succeed in making exceedingly clear the need to wage and intensify revolutionary armed struggle," Rosal added.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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