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Communist Party of the Philippines

"Macapagal-Arroyo becoming worse than Marcos, and should be overthrown" -- CPP
February 24, 2003

"Macapagal-Arroyo is becoming worse than Marcos and deserves to be overthrown even sooner."

This was the statement given by Communist Party of the Philippines spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal on the 17th anniversary of the overthrow of the Marcos dictatorship. In the face of recent developments, Rosal said, "it is obvious that the Macapagal-Arroyo regime is becoming even more reprehensible with its hopeless lying, out-and-out puppetry, unabated brutality, corruption and utter disregard for the interests of the people."

Rosal cited as bases for this statement the Pentagon's disclosure about the deployment of US troops to join Filipino soldiers in actual combat operations in Sulu, which Malacañang kept on denying but which the White House has confirmed.

Ari Fleischer, spokesperson of US President George W. Bush, said Friday that US troops will support the Armed Forces of the Philippines in combat operations against the Abu Sayyaf. He also said the Philippine government requested the US troops.

Before this, Malacañang spokesperson Ignacio Bunye had even criticized the US and international media for being "taken for a ride" (nakuryente) for making news out of the supposed disclosure.

"Gloria has become nothing else but Bush's Girl Friday, doing everything for the fancy of her boss," Rosal pointed out.

"Practically the whole world is opposed to the US war. But the puppet regime of Macapagal-Arroyo is one of a handful US allies and puppets that singularly and blindly supports US aggression in Iraq, no matter what."

"Bush now wants the US troops to have more direct action in their 'second war front' in the Philippines and Gloria is readily doing her errand, even as her defense secretary and presidential spokesperson keep lying about it," Rosal said.

"Gloria is totally unconcerned that the entry of US troops will all the more exacerbate the armed conflict in Mindanao.The massacres and countless atrocities committed by US troops against the Moro people's forefathers during their occupation of Philippines remain fresh in their collective memory. She has no regard at all but contempt for the Moro people, and also for the Filipino people for that matter," Rosal added.

Rosal had earlier stated that while the immediate tactical objective in deploying US troops to Sulu is to ensure the US forces' engagement in direct combat with the Abu Sayaff, the bigger objective is their full deployment for direct combat operations against the revolutionary forces in the Philippines.

"In this regard, Malacañang is also following the line and dictate of the US for the actual scuttling of peace talks between the Philippine government and the NDF by using the 'terrorist' bogey. It has made a big mockery of the peace talks by transforming it into a negotiation for the surrender of the revolutionary forces."

Rosal also said that Malacañang is doing exactly the same thing to the MILF and has recently launched massive operations in an effort to force the MILF to accept an agreement for surrender.

"Because of all this," said Rosal, "she definitely deserves to be overthrown, and the sooner the better."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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