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Communist Party of the Philippines

"GMA an aberration in NAM" -- CPP
February 25, 2003

"Gloria will only be a fly in the ointment of the Non-Aligned Movement. That neocolonial puppet who is singularly the most ardent and servile advocate of imperialist 'globalization' and Bush's imperialist saber-rattling does not deserve a place and is only an aberration in an organization that in character is distinctly anti-imperialist and anti-war."

Communist Party of the Philippines spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said this today in reaction to Pres. Macapagal-Arroyo's attendance at the 13th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held at the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The movement is composed of Third World Countries who constitute majority of the world's countries and population. It has dissociated itself from alignment with the two superpowers during the Cold War. When the US emerged as the world's sole superpower after the Cold War, the movement has turned its criticism solely against "US imperialist policies".

The US has a handful of allies in the NAM of which Macapagal-Arroyo is one of the most rabid.

But most of its member countries are against US polices. The most bitter foes of the US in the movement include Cuba which has been under US blockade for decades, Iraq and two others which were declared by US Pres. George W. Bush as the "Axis of Evil" -- North Korea and Iran. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad, who convened and is hosting the summit has been strongly denouncing the US-led preparations for war against Iraq as well as Israel's attacks against Palestine.

Rosal added, "Macapagal-Arroyo now even has the gall to address the NAM summit as if she can convince it of supporting the US war against Iraq. She will only look all the more tiny and isolated not only in the NAM but in the whole world where the overwhelming majority of peoples and nations are against the war. She is obnoxious at home but abroad she will only be ludicrous."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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