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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP suspects CIA terrorist cell for Saudi Arabia bombings
May 14, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today condemned the bombings in Saudi Arabia, saying it was most likely the handiwork of the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Even as he did not totally dismiss the possibility of an Al Qaeda operation, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in a statement today that the bombing's objective was most likely to play up the Al Qaeda bogey and blackmail the Saudi Arabian government into accepting the continued presence of the US military.

Rosal added that more than anything else, the bombing serves the interests of US imperialism by helping it justify its so-called war against terrorism.

Rosal noted that Saudi Arabia has recently announced plans to discontinue the presence of US troops in view of the drive by Arab countries to remove US military bases in the region. The Arab League, which includes Saudi Arabia, has also denounced the US for its invasion and occupation of Iraq.

"We take note of the fact that the Saudi Arabian government is presently being pressured to cooperate in the US' so-called war against terrorism and allow the continued US military presence in their country," Rosal said.

Rosal explained that the US CIA has a brutal history of terrorist activities, including bombings, sabotage, kidnappings, murder and other bloody intrigues and psywar which may very well include the recent bombing in Saudi Arabia.

He said that the CIA Philippine station also maintains a covert terrorist cell, which includes explosives, sabotage and psywar experts recruited and handled by the CIA. "All indications show that the series of bombings in Davao City and Koronadal were carried out by this CIA terrorist cell," said Rosal.

Rosal called to mind the case of Michael Meiring, an American member of this terrorist cell arrested in Davao City last year. Meiring was apprehended after a bomb he had been preparing inside his hotel room accidentally exploded, causing him injuries. His arrest came amid a spate of bombings in Mindanao.

Meiring was extricated posthaste from his hospital detention and whisked off to the United States by US and Philippine intelligence units.###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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