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Communist Party of the Philippines

Expect more bombings to further the US' "war against terrorism" - CPP
May 18, 2003

The weeklong worldwide bombing spree is serving to draw attention away from the unjust and oppressive occupation of Iraq by the US, punish countries who opposed the US war of aggression against Iraq and give credence to the furtherance of the US' "war against terrorism." This, according to the spokesman of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that it is highly probable that the bombing spree is being directly carried out and coordinated by US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) through its worldwide network of covert terrorist cells. The CPP spokesman also did not dismiss the possibility of "the CIA operations premeditatedly intersecting with actual Al Qaeda operations."

Rosal added "The fact that the CIA 'tipped' Saudi Arabia and Morocco on information about supposed planned terrorist bombing attacks right before the bombings occurred in their cities all the more makes for suspicion."

Rosal said that the US has become frantic over the persistent issue of its inability to prove the existence of weapons of mass destruction, more than a month after overthrowing the Iraqi government. "The very legality of the US war of aggression against Iraq remains under question as the US invoked the issue to justify its war of aggression against Iraq."

In his analysis, Rosal said further that "the dismal failure of the US to justify its invasion and occupation of Iraq and the oppressive measures being imposed by US troops on the Iraqi people to stem the growing anti-US protests and resistance movement are all weakening the US' capability to rally support to its "war against terrorism."

Rosal also said that "the militarist Bush administration was actually secretly happy with the September 11 Incident and, in longing for more of such, has directed its CIA worldwide network of terrorist cells to look for and create further pretexes in a frenzied bid to continue the momentum of its military campaigns around the world."

Rosal took note of the curious detail that the bombing attacks were directed against countries whose governments or people opposed the recent US invasion of Iraq. Rosal added "This includes governments who think they are allies of the US."

Both the governments of Saudi Arabia and Morocco are considered as US allies but strongly opposed the US war against Iraq. The royal family of Saudi Arabia, under the influence of other Arab countries and the Arab League, had earlier called for the withdrawal of American troops in their country.

"These bombings have become a sort of punishment for having opposed the US war against Iraq and a brusque way of telling these countries to 'fall in line or else'," Rosal added.

Rosal explained that the CIA has a treacherous history of terrorist activities, including bombings, sabotage, kidnappings, murder and other bloody intrigues and psywar which may very well include the recent bombings in Chechnya, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.

He said that the CIA's Philippine station also maintains a covert terrorist cell, which includes explosives, sabotage and psywar experts.

Rosal also attributed the spate of bombings in Davao and Koronadal to the handiwork of the terrorist cell of the CIA's Philippine Station.

Rosal recalled the case of Michael Meiring, an American member operative of this terrorist cell, who was arrested in Davao City last year. Meiring was apprehended after a bomb he had been preparing inside his hotel room accidentally exploded, causing him injuries. His arrest came amid a spate of bombings in Mindanao.

To avoid his investigation, Meiring was extricated posthaste from his hospital detention and whisked off to the United States by US and Philippine intelligence units.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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