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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Ka Roger to AFP soldiers: "surrender quickly to avoid large casualties"
July 5, 2003

The spokesman of the Communist Party of the Philippines today advised that "in order to avoid large casualties, rank and file soldiers of the AFP should promptly surrender when pinned down in an NPA raid or ambush."

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, CPP spokesman, said that based on reports of recent NPA tactical offensives, the AFP suffered "a big number of casualties because of the hard-headedness of their commanders in the face of the superior tactics, capabilities and fire-power of the assaulting NPA units."

"Such a big number of casualties suffered by the AFP like in Samar and Compostela Valley could have been avoided if the soldiers had simply raised the white flag of surrender," Rosal said.

Rosal reminded soldiers that "those who surrender are treated well by the NPA. The NPA fighters are well-oriented in respecting the rights of enemy combatants who surrender."

"Wounded enemy soldiers are immediately treated and dispatched to the nearest medical facilities," Rosal explained further.

"AFP field commanders force their men into virtual suicide despite being in disadvantageous positions in lost battles, thus incurring a big number of casualties," Rosal added.

"I urge soldiers to think of their families. Their measly pay, their unscrupulous command and the rotten and oppressive system they are being made to defend are not worth dying for," Rosal said.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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