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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

"Arroyo's crackdown order to swell NPA ranks" - Ka Roger
July 10, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines today condemned President Gloria Arroyo for ordering a crackdown on organizations she described as "communist fronts," but added that it would be Arroyo's undoing, as it would fuel people's resistance and swell the NPA's ranks.

In a statement, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal slammed Arroyo's move as "doing a Marcos," and said that "Arroyo could turn out to be the biggest recruiter of the NPA as Marcos was under Martial Law". Rosal said Arroyo was out to further stifle legitimate dissent and deny the people the already narrow avenues for legal protest.

"The government is increasingly leaving the people with no other choice but to take up arms and join the New People's Army and other revolutionary forces," he said.

Rosal explained that Arroyo had issued the order out of desperation over the huge losses suffered by government forces in a recent series of tactical offensives by the New People's Army.

"This is Arroyo's way of throwing a tantrum due to her frustration at the fact that AFP and PNP forces she has massively concentrated in NPA areas have proven to be no match for the relatively smaller but more determined forces of the NPA," said Rosal.

Arroyo's order, Rosal added, is also in line with her desperate attempt to clinch US support and ensure that the military and her fractious ruling coalition are behind her.

"Her chances of winning the 2004 elections are nil," said Rosal. "By curtailing civil liberties, she can remain in power even if elections are suspended."

Rosal said Arroyo is rushing to convince Congress of the need to restrict civil liberties during her State of the Nation Address at the end of the month, in time for US President George W. Bush's visit in August. "The crackdown is her way of pandering to her imperialist master, since she cannot present any significant victory against the New People's Army," said Rosal.

Rosal expressed concern over the safety of legal democratic organizations protesting the Arroyo government's "puppetry, militarism and corruption" and airing the people's legitimate grievances in the wake of Arroyo's orders.

He called on the people to vigorously oppose the crackdown order and assert their civil and democratic rights, but added that the NPA and the underground movement will welcome them into their ranks should avenues for legal dissent become untenable. ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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