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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Don't fall for infomercial bribes, CPP tells AFP soldiers
August 27, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today called on junior officers and soldiers of the AFP not to fall for Malacañang's infomercial bribery and other deceptive spins and urged them to "open their eyes and be more critical of what is going on in the military and the government."

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that instead of responding constructively to the legitimate grievances of restive soldiers, Malacañang has only resorted to trying to gag them, then demonizing them to deflect their exposés. Now, said Rosal, there is a multimillion peso PR offensive to cover up the utter puppetry, callous terrorism and grandscale corruption in the government and AFP high command.

Rosal was referring to the recent spate of AFP-sponsored TV and radio infomercials spinning a make-believe of soldiers being grateful to Arroyo.

"They are all mere sound bytes signifying nothing," Rosal said. "Arroyo has done nothing at all to address the issue of corruption in the military, and even much less in the government. She and her husband are in fact now at the center of controversy for charges of large-scale corruption, money laundering and stashing of spurious money."

Rosal also said that even if Defense Sec. Angelo Reyes has been heavily implicated in charges of corruption and terrorism, "Arroyo does not want and cannot boot him out." Rosal explained that this is "because of their complicity in puppetry, terrorism, militarism and corruption, especially as he acts as her handler and direct line to the CIA and Pentagon."

Rosal added that the charges aired by the restive soldiers can no longer be effectively kept under lids. "The exposés by the Magdalo group have become as explosive as the US-instigated terrorist bombings in Davao carried out upon orders by Reyes and Corpus."

From their own experiences, the rank-and-file in the reactionary armed forces know these to be true. The shock waves of these exposés have now reverberated thoughout the government's armed forces and are shaking the government." They are bound to cause more explosions in the rotten system, said Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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