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Communist Party of the Philippines

US imperialism and its instrumentalities are the real terrorists — CPP
September 11, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said that US imperialism and its economic and military instrumentalities are the real and principal terrorists "causing great hardship and brutality on the Filipino people and other peoples around the world."

"We condemn the bigger and more despicable state-sponsored terrorism and wars of aggression of the US government even as we join the world in commemorating the Sept. 11 bombing," said Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, spokesman of the CPP.

"The invasion, occupation and oppression of the people in Afghanistan and Iraq, are far bigger acts of terrorism than Sept. 11," Rosal said.

Rosal also said that the "economic instrumentalities of the US are also causing far greater daily violence on the impoverished and oppressed people of the world."

Rosal cited the "full-scale liberalization policies pushed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization. Several hundred million workers, peasants and poor people around the world are dying a cruel slow death day-by-day because of imperialist globalization."

The CPP spokesman also condemned the Arroyo government for serving as "the top agent of representative of US big business in the country."

"Gloria Arroyo, foremost GATT proponent and ever-devoted fanatic of globalization and liberalization, is dancing with her masters around the people's sick bed," Rosal said.

In a related statement, Rosal also condemned yesterday's violent dispersal of the anti-WTO rally. "Arroyo is wielding the big stick in a desperate attempt to silence the people protesting US domination and plunder, and calling for an end to liberalization and her corrupt and rotten regime." ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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