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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP condemns state suppression of legal struggle
October 1, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines today condemned state fascists and militarists for violently suppressing legal struggle in the face of a growing list of leaders and members of legal organizations and parties who have become targets of relentless military attacks by the AFP and paramilitary groups.

In a statement, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo's call that Bayan Muna members be allowed to carry firearms as a means of protection and self-defense was completely justified. Ocampo had cited the numerous cases of abductions, torture and killings of Bayan Muna members.

Rosal said that the relentless attacks by the military against the Bayan Muna and Anak ng Bayan party-list organizations prove that the reactionary state under President Macapagal-Arroyo has become "more and more intolerant of even the legal democratic struggles of the workers, peasants and other oppressed and exploited sectors."

"The attacks against Bayan Muna and Anak ng Bayan show that Arroyo and her militarist cohorts are not prepared to tolerate the airing of the people's grievances and the struggle for legitimate aspirations within the framework of parliament," Rosal added.

The CPP spokesman also linked the intensifying attacks against Bayan Muna and other legal organizations to the AFP's "failure to stymie the growth of the revolutionary armed struggle. Since they continue to suffer defeat in battle," said Rosal, "they are training their guns and cannons instead on unarmed civilians and activists and justifying violations of human rights by endlessly repeating the worn-out line that these are communist fronts".

"Arroyo's all-out war of terror is proving to be not much different from Marcos' martial law which unleased the full might of the state against the people," said Rosal. "Yet it failed to stop the growth of the people's revolutionary armed struggle."

Rosal cited the summary execution last week of four youth activists in Compostela Valley and the recent illegal abduction of the Bayan Muna regional coordinator for Central Visayas as "condemnable acts."

"By attacking legal parties and organizations full-force, the Arroyo regime is in effect encouraging the people to join the revolutionary armed struggle," Rosal added.

At the same time, Rosal called on Bayan Muna, Anak ng Bayan and other legal parties and organizations to "persevere in their struggle to advance the interests of the people." Rosal cited the "invaluable contributions of Bayan Muna in exposing the ills of the ruling social system and struggling against the puppetry, corruption and militarism of the Arroyo regime."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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