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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Entire Al Ghozi affair, fishy - CPP
October 13, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines said that the entire al Ghozi plot smells of fish that has been cooked and timed especially for the US President's visit.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in a statement today that the al Ghozi mystery has smelled fishy from the very start. "Bush's obsequious girl Friday Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her staff of fellow servitors in Malaca�ang and the PNP have been cooking up the al Ghozi story for several months now to gratify their imperialist master when he comes to visit next week," said Rosal.

Rosal explained that al Ghozi's supposed "escape," constant Malaca�ang and PNP predictions of his impending capture and reports that he was all the while in military hands supported strong suspicions about the al Ghozi affair since the very beginning. The Magdalo Group has also said that the "escape" was the handiwork of the military all along.

Rosal also noted that "reports that al Ghozi was brought all the way to General Santos when he was supposedly accosted and killed in South Cotabato as "strange." Everything clearly points to another rub-out, said Rosal. He cited that the report of the attending physician in the hospital where al Ghozi was brought contradicts police claims that al Ghozi engaged them in a gunfight firefight before he was gunned down. The doctor's report said al Ghozi's hands did not bear any powder burns to indicate that he fired any gun.

Rosal added that the al Ghozi affair is only one of the ways Arroyo is displaying her utter synchophancy. Other lavish, pretentious and expensive preparations that include repainting and setting up new fountains in Malaca�ang, not to mention the overacting and insulting security measures, show the extent to which Gloria has been turning the entire puppet state upside-down and spending scores of millions of pesos just to make her master satisfied and secure in his short-time visit to his minion. "Nagkakandarapa talaga si Gloria para lang ipakita ang pagkasipsip niya sa kanyang bibisitang amo," said Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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