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Communist Party of the Philippines

Villaruel's short-lived act of defiance has a lot to say—CPP
November 10, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said that Navy Capt. Panfilo Villaruel's deep-going disenchantment and revolt against the rotten system which led him to carry-out a desperate act of defiance last Saturday is reflective of the widespread sentiments among the AFP's ordinary enlisted men and younger officials.

"His short-lived act of defiance was a telling indictment of the utter rottenness in the military, the government and the prevailing social system," said Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, spokesman of the CPP.

Rosal also said that the fact that Villaruel and his lone companion Navy Lt Senior Grade Ricardo Catchillara were mercilessly slaughtered in an overkill operations upon orders of Macapagal-Arroyo herself is further revealing of the senselessness and reactionariness of the moves of the military and the goverment.

Rosal said further that "Based on the Party's reaching out to and continuing dialogue with the the AFP rank and file, we know for a fact that the vast majority of them are fed up with the rotteness and corruption prevailing in the military and in the entire economic and political system."

"Karamihan nga lang sa kanila ay hindi alam kung ano ang marapat na hakbangin. Sa ganito lamang malalim na mauunawaan at nagkakaroon ng malaking kabuluhan ang masaklap na kinahantungan ni Col. Villaruel. Unfortunately it turned out as a desperate and short-lived act of protest," added Rosal. "People like him should have enjoined the masses and coordinated with revolutionary forces for wider and more effective action."

Rosal said that the rottenness of the ruling state is systemic and can only be removed through a revolutionary process of overthrowing the ruling system lorded over by the most corrupt politicos and greedy big capitalists and compradors under the aegis of US imperialism.

"By touching base with the revolutionary forces, rank and file men and women of the AFP, are more and more realizing this fact," Rosal added.

"We are enjoining the forces of the AFP who share Villaruel's sentiments to link up with the revolutionary movement in order to get a deeper grasp of the social realities besetting the Filipino people and join up or coordinate for more effective and decisive actions," Rosal said.

Rosal added that, since July 2003, a significant number among the government's military and paramilitary forces have expressed willingness to join or link up with the revolutionary movement. We see this current situation as a period preceding more defections in the future from the rotten AFP to the New People's Army.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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