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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

GMA "aid" offer, height of opportunism and hypocrisy--CPP
December 31, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines today lambasted President Gloria Arroyo for "patent opportunism and hypocrisy" in offering to help so-called victims of the anti-infiltration campaign undertaken by sections of the CPP in the '80s.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said Arroyo is "unmatched in her opportunism and hypocrisy. She has all along callously been deaf to desperate cries for redress of grievances of martial law victims as well as her own regime's rampant human rights violations."

"She has even gone to the extent of negotiating with the Marcoses to compromise the consummation of justice in the cases against the dictatorship."

Rosal stressed that the Arroyo regime has arrogantly refused to recognize her own government's violations of human rights and to address in any manner the welfare of the victims of its "all-out war."

Rosal decried that as a result of Arroyo's "all-out war" in the name of anti-terrorism, hundreds of thousands have been victimized by military violence and abuse. "All throughout her reign, numerous illegal arrests and detention, threats and harassments, lootings, destruction of communities and peasant farms, forced evacuations, food blockades, tortures and killings of suspected supporters of the revolutionary movement have been committed and continue to be wantonly committed by her armed forces, police, paramilitary and goons."

Rosal pointed out that "Arroyo has instead upheld military brutality and even promoted the most notorious murderers, foremost among them, the Butcher of Mindoro, Army Gen. Jovito Palparan."

Rosal dismissed Arroyo's offer to assist victims of the anti-infiltration campaigns of the CPP in the 1980s as a propaganda hype in its counter-revolutionary propaganda. "She is attributing all this to be intrinsic to the CPP and also wants to make it apprear that the Party is unconcerned with and has done nothing to heed the need for justice to the victims of the anti-infiltration campaigns."

Rosal explained that the CPP has long condemned the erronous anti-infiltration drives of the 1980s and has since carried out corrective measures, disciplined the wrongdoers, humbly made amends with the victims and their loved ones, reaffirmed the correct principles and strictly reinstituted the correct policies and processes.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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