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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP deplores Arroyo regime for inviting escalation of US military intervention
February 7, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philipppines today deplored the Arroyo government for "actively seeking the escalation of US military intervention using military treaties and so-called joint military exercises to allow US combat troops to enter and operate in Philippine territory."

"Under the Arroyo regime, there has been a permanent presence of US troops operating both openly and clandestinely," said CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal. "There is bound to be heightened US military intervention as the Arroyo regime increasingly relies on the Bush regime for military support."

Rosal cited the 28 joint military exercises to be carried out by the US and Philippine military this year. He noted that the "marked increase in the number of planned joint exercises indicates an escalation of US military intervention in the Philippines."

The CPP spokesman said these joint military exercises are being used by the Arroyo and US governments as "a smokescreen to allow US military interference and trample on Philippine national sovereignty." Rosal cited information that US military officials have been operating clandestinely in AFP camps in Mindanao.

Rosal explained that these joint military exercises are being used by the US military "to indoctrinate Philippine military officials and troops with the dogma of anti-terrorism and train them to kill fellow Filipinos."

Rosal also said that the CPP sees a "close connection between heightened US military intervention and the puppet Arroyo regime's intensified efforts to lure foreign investors in the mining industry."

"The Arroyo regime ardently wishes for the US military to increase its presence in the Philippines to assuage fears of foreign mining companies concerned about the security of their operations in the country," Rosal added.

The CPP has called for a "national war" against foreign mining companies "to defend Philippine economic sovereignty and national patrimony".

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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