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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP demands pullout of clandestine US troops and military advisers
January 26, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines today assailed the Arroyo government for allowing American military advisers and combat troops to secretly operate within the Philippines in "direct violation and in an outright mockery of Philippine sovereignty" even as it demanded that the Arroyo government take immediate steps to identify such troops and order their pullout.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that the "Bush regime will use any and all pretexts to heighten its military intervention in the Philippines," with the "puppet Arroyo regime only too willing to allow it and surrender Philippine sovereignty."

"The Bush and Arroyo governments have collaborated in letting US troops use past joint military exercises and so-called relief operations as covers to secretly position US military advisers in AFP military camps in Mindanao and within NPA guerrilla zones," Rosal added.

At the same time, Rosal warned the Bush government and US advisers and combat troops secretly operating in the Philippines against "directly supporting the AFP in its counterrevolutionary war."

"US military advisers who participate directly in the AFP's war efforts will be regarded as members of an armed adversarial force," the CPP spokesman said. "The New People's Army is likewise ready to face interventionist US military advisers and troops in the battlefield. We will hold the Bush and Arroyo regimes responsible for the consequences."

"These US troops indoctrinate Filipino soldiers with the dogma of antiterrorism and train them to kill their fellow Filipinos," Rosal said. "Under this US dogma, those who oppose oppression and exploitation are blindly labeled as terrorists."

He called on patriotic-minded officers and soldiers of the AFP to help expose and repudiate the imperialist teachings of these US soldiers.

Rosal also called on the American people to demand the pullout of secret American military advisers in the Philippines.

Rosal reiterated the demand for the immediate abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement and the Mutual Defense Treaty "which have been used by the US to trample on Philippine sovereignty."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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