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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Sebastian was a notorious war criminal -- Ka Roger
January 13, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today announced that the New People's Army (NPA) Ulpiano Araneta Command yesterday "successfully meted out capital punishment against notorious war criminal Ret. Col. Eduardo Sebastian" in Lucena City.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the Filipino people, especially the people of Southern Tagalog and the Bicol Region "welcome the news about the punishment of Col. Sebastian."

He said that the war crimes committed by Sebastian "cause continuing grave emotional and physical pain to his victims and their families."

According to Rosal, as head of the AFP Southern Luzon Military Intelligence Group (MIG), Sebastian was directly responsible for the "mass arrests, torture, salvaging and forced disappearance of scores of activists during the martial law period up to the 1980s."

The punishment of Sebastian, according to Rosal, is part of the continuing effort of the revolutionary movement to exact justice for the victims of the Marcos fascist dictatorship.

"Sebastian committed numerous heinous war crimes. He was among the most notorious henchmen of the Marcos dictatorship. He was detested by the people of Southern Tagalog and the Bicol Region," Rosal added.

"He was personally responsible for the "arrest, the vicious torture and gang rape of Adora Faye de Vera. For one year, de Vera was forced to become Sebastian's sex slave," Rosal disclosed.

Rosal said Sebastian was also responsible for, among others, the forced disappearance of Rizalina Ilagan, Cristina Catalla and Erwin dela Torre who were victimized by Sebastian from July to August 1977.

Sebastian is also responsible for the disappearance of Modesto "Bong" Sison, Leticia Pascual Ladlad and Reynaldo Cruz, according to Rosal.

Rosal said Sebastian was also behind the "pansit-pansit" operations in the Quezon-Bicol area in the 1980s where NAPOCOR cables where stolen.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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