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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Bigger and more frequent offensives in 2005--CPP
December 26, 2004

Celebrating the 36th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in scores of guerrilla fronts nationwide, thousands of New People's Army (NPA) Red fighters together with tens of thousands of revolutionary masses and supporters vowed to intensify mass struggles and armed tactical offensives in 2005.

According to Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, CPP spokesman, who addressed one of these celebrations, "the Arroyo regime has become severely isolated because of its extreme puppetry to US imperialism and its oppression of the Filipino toiling masses."

He said that "bigger and more frequent armed tactical offensives in 2005" serve to "punish" the Arroyo government for these transgressions, worsen the rifts among the ruling elite, weaken the Arroyo government and strengthen the New People's Army.

"These offensive will also help inspire the Filipino people to undertake mass actions to protest the antipeople, pro-imperialist and fascist measures that deepen their poverty and worsen their oppression," Rosal added.

Rosal said that the CPP expects a broad range of forces to unite next year to demand the ouster of Arroyo. "The broad masses look forward to relegating Arroyo to the dustbin of history the same way that they dumped Marcos and Estrada."

Rosal dismissed as "baseless military intrigues" news reports that he was barred from joining the celebrations.

He said that scores of assemblies were held across the Philippines within and outside guerrilla zones. Hundreds of students, professionals and urban poor dwellers joined the celebrations in the countryside. More assemblies are scheduled to be held in the coming days.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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