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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Palparan to answer for string of killings and human rights abuses in Eastern Visayas -- CPP
May 14, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today charged 8th ID chief Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan with responsibility for the series of extrajudicial killings of activists as well as other atrocities in Eastern Visayas since January, and vowed that he would someday pay for this and his other fascist crimes elsewhere.

The latest incident was the murder Wednesday night of Katungod- Sinirangan Bisayas (Katungod-SB) chair Rev. Edison Lapuz and Alfredo Malinao, head of the Kahugpungan sa mga Mag-uruma sa San Isidro (KAMAS). Katungod-SB is the local chapter of the national human rights watchdog Karapatan while KAMAS is affiliated with the Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP).

In a statement, CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said: "We hold General Palparan and the Arroyo regime responsible for the rash of killings, abductions, torture, bombings, forced evacuations and other acts of state terrorism in Samar and Leyte."

The killing of Lapuz and Malinao brings to mind the extrajudicial executions in Mindoro Oriental in 2002-2003, which were likewise Palparan's handiwork, Rosal said. He cited in particular the killing of Karapatan-Southern Tagalog chair Eden Marcellana and Kasama-TK leader Eddie Gumanoy. Both were abducted, tortured and gunned down in April 2003 by hooded elements of the 204th IBde, then headed by Palparan.

"The revolutionary forces will make sure that Palparan pays for every drop of blood of each and every victim of his dirty war," vowed Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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