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It is not "terrorism" to be in the NPA but an honor to be in the service of the people

Kabataang Makabayan-Eastern Visayas
March 29, 2003

We in Kabataang Makabayan-Eastern Visayas congratulate the New People's Army on its 34th anniversary today. As the revolutionary organization of the Filipino youth -- peasants, workers, urban poor and middle class -- it is heartwarming for the KM to greet an allied organization in the NDFP that is also the principal instrument of revolutionary struggle. It is the highest calling and duty for all young men and women to bear arms and serve the people in armed struggle in the countryside. In fact, many of the young Red fighters today come mainly from the KM chapters in the barrios as well as from the cities and towns. It is not "terrorism" to be in the NPA but an honor to be in the service of the people. The NPA fighters not only put their lives on the line in battle but also gallantly endure various hardships in defending and advancing the interests of the people.

In the face of the continuing economic crisis under the Arroyo regime, the youth in Eastern Visayas are finding the windows of opportunity closed to them. The youth in the peasant and working classes continue to awaken to the chronic problems of landlessness and grinding poverty. Most are forced to work at an early age to help their struggling families and find no promise in the future under the current system. Their revolutionary potentials are awakened because their families and the classes to whom they belong are oppressed and exploited. Even the young professionals are oppressed by the hard times and find their economic status declining.

The call to arms to the youth and students achieves greater meaning as they are increasingly victimized and marginalized by the present dispensation. Increasing numbers of youth and students are being organized into the KM chapters in the countryside and the cities and towns. Moreover, we in the Kabataang Makabayan always encourage our members to join the New People's Army and serve the people. Many have already done so and more will certainly do so in a continuous flow of the next generation of fighters for the people. The NPA can always be assured of the KM's enthusiasm for revolutionary armed struggle and youthful volunteers in their service.

Long live the New People's Army!

Serve the people, join the New People's Army!!

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