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The NPA advances the revolutionary liberation of women

Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan-Eastern Visayas
March 29, 2003

On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the New People's Army, Makibaka hails the men and women Red commanders and fighters who dauntlessly serve the Filipino people and advance the revolutionary armed struggle.

The Red Army has a deep grasp of the revolutionary role and importance of women as well as their rights. Like Makibaka, the NPA recognizes the importance of women in launching the revolutionary armed struggle to do away with the rotten ruling system and attain the national and social liberation of the Filipino people. The revolution cannot win if the women are not roused, mobilized and organized. Women comprise half the population of the Philippines. They suffer under the reactionary system, especially the peasant and women workers, not only from class exploitation and oppression, but also because they are discriminated against as women. The revolutionary road to national and social liberation is the same road towards the true liberation of the Filipino women.

The NPA recruits not only the men but also the women from the ranks of the revolutionary masses. The women Red fighters fulfill their political, military and other responsibilities and are treated equaly and enjoy the same rights as their comrades who are men. It is strictly forbidden to abuse and discriminate against women in the principles and discipline of the NPA, which is strictly implemented within the organization as well as in relating with the masses of the people. There is a guide on relationship and marriage that is followed by the NPA to ensure the rights of women.

In the vast countryside, the NPA helps in arousing, mobilizing and organizing the peasant masses, including the peasant women. Through the mass organizations like Makibaka, the peasant women contribute significantly in the antifeudal struggle, cooperative movement, various campaigns (literacy, health, sanitation, cultural and others), and support the NPA and the revolutionary armed struggle along with advancing their rights as women. Likewise, the revolutionary women in the cities and towns have various ways of suporting the NPA and the armed struggle in the countryside principally through joining the NPA and the rendering of recourses to the armed struggle.

In the vast countryside, where can be found the ever strengthening revolutionary armed power of the people, there also lies the core of the arising revolutionary movement for the liberation of Filipino women.

Long live the NPA, the steadfast army of the Filipino people, the exponent of the revolutionary liberation of Filipino women!

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