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Long live the NPA, the true army of the people! Onward with the people's war until victory!

Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magsasaka-Eastern Visayas
March 29, 2003

The PKM in Eastern Visayas salutes all the Red commanders and fighters and the revolutionary martyrs of the NPA on the occasion of its 34th anniversary. It is an utmost joy for the revolutionary peasant masses in Eastern Visayas that the NPA, the true army of the people, continues to accumulate strength and victories. For every advance in the revolutionary armed struggle principally carried out by the NPA, the greater is the hope of the most exploited and oppressed class in Philippine society the peasant class for the fulfillment of genuine land reform, national industrialization, and genuine democracy.

Since the seed of revolution was first planted here in Eastern Visayas, the NPA has given and continues to devote itself in sacrifices and heroism in the name of serving the people. Under the leadership and guidance of the CPP, the people's army painstakingly awakens the peasant masses to their essential power in making history and organizes their ranks for the revolution. Thus, the revolutionary mass organizations and the people's democratic power have been established and continues to flourish in the vast countryside of the region. The NPA has a key role in the implementation of revolutionary justice against the die-hard counterrevolutionaries and bad elements who have blood debts and heinous crimes against the people, as well as in mediating conflicts in the ranks of the people. In the struggles against feudal and semifeudal exploitation, the NPA ably assists in mobilizing and organizing the peasantry, aside from being the stalwart defender against the most despotic and recalcitrant of the class enemies and the reactionary state.

The PKM condemns the defamations by the Macapagal-Arroyo regime and the AFP-PNP that the NPA is terrorist and criminal. The peasant masses, who comprise the overwhelming majority in Eastern Visayas, know that the reactionary government and its mercenary army are the true terrorists and criminals. They are the ones responsible for the worsening neglect, exploitation and fascist oppression of the peasant masses. The regime and the AFP-PNP can expect nothing from the peasant masses except their utmost hatred and revolutionary resistance.

The rottenness, puppetry and fascism of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime and the military intervention of the US in the Philippines are worsening. There is a pressing need for the NPA and the people to advance the revolutionary armed struggle to a new and higher level. For this, the PKM asserts that it will strengthen and expand the revolutionary mass organizations of the peasant masses to be one with the NPA so that the vast countryside will serve as the formidable bastion of revolutionary armed struggle. It will volunteer its best sons and daughters in the NPA. It will organize itself into self-defense cores and militia units as reserves of the NPA. It will intensify the antifeudal struggle and cooperative movement to bring together the production level in the barrios and the capability to give material aid and other support to the NPA for the armed struggle.

Long live the New People's Army, the true army of the people!

Onward with the people's war until victory!

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