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NPA: Three GRP soldiers wounded, 1 CAFGU killed, 1 cafgu wounded

Rigoberto F. Sanchez
Merardo Arce Command
Southern Mindanao Regional Operational Command
New People's Army
October 21, 2004

The reported four slain NPA guerrillas in Paquibato is a hoax and a mere invention by the rotten and distraught Armed Forces of the Philippines. In fact, the Red fighters did not suffer any casualties at all.

The 1st Pulang Bagani Company of the New People's Army was under attack by the elements of the 73rd Infantry Battalion-AFP when the Red fighters skillfully gained an upperhand over what could have been a defensive action. Killed was CAA Domingo D. Dura and wounded were Corporals Henry T. Lopez, Arwin I. Sorongon, PFC Alquino A. Pepito and CAA Willy Lariva. The Red fighters were also able to seize one M203 grenade launcher.

As the NPA withdrew from the scene, the military readily cordoned off sitio San Isidro, Lumiad, Paquibato District and instigated a blockade. Soldiers ordered and threatend the residents not to leave the area.

The 1st PBC's adept maneuver in Paquibato belies arrogant military propaganda which claimed that the 73rd IB have already "wiped out" the NPA guerrillas in Paquibato and other hinterlands in Davao City. The peasant masses are ever drawn to seek the people's army to protect them and defend their interests. In contrast, the AFP has intensified its psychological warfare, deceptive propaganda and forced paramilitary recruitment in peasant villages to ingratiate itself.

Lt. Col. Rhoderick Parayno, commanding officer of the 73rd IB is daydreaming when he falsely announces NPA casualties to conceal his unit's losses. The reactionary armed forces have resorted to casualty padding and adventure narrative to reverse the tide of growing revolutionary strength. The bare-faced liar Parayno and his breed in the AFP are visibly shaken as the shocking extravagance and plunder of the generals begin to unravel. To boost their morale, they console themselves by spinning tales.


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