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NDFP Commemorates Martyrdom of Ka Eden Marcellana and Ka Eddie Gumanoy
Ka Eden and Ka Eddie continue to inspire us

Luis T. Jalandoni
Negotiating Panel
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
April 21, 2004

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) commemorates the first anniversary of the martyrdom of Ka Eden Marcellana and Ka Eddie Gumanoy. We shall not forget their life of boundless service to the Filipino people and their undaunted spirit of militant struggle against the oppressive and exploitative forces in our country.

We greet with the deepest admiration their families who have turned their grief into revolutionary courage and have persevered in serving the people in the same inspiring spirit in which Ka Eden and Ka Eddie lived and died for the people.

As we vigorously condemned the reactionary regime and its fascist military forces for the brutal murder of Ka Eden and Ka Eddie, we reiterate that condemnation in the strongest terms as the rampant human rights violations of the regime and its military, police and paramilitary forces continue to escalate.

We take this solemn occasion of the first anniversary of the martyrdom of Ka Eden and Ka Eddie to renew and strengthen our resolve to carry forward our struggle for national and social liberation unto the very end, to achieve a free and truly indpendent and democratic Philippines. The spirit of Ka Eden and Ka Eddie and all our other martyrs and heroes is our inexhaustible source of strength.

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