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Launch massive demonstrations, put an immediate end to the US-Arroyo regime

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
September 02, 2003

The Arroyo government is tottering more than ever from the sheer weight of the Arroyos' big-time corruption. In the face of the concrete presentation of credible and solid evidence of the Arroyos' large-scale and systematic plunder and money-laundering, it is but fitting for them to be booted out of Malaca�ang.

The forces of the legal democratic movement and the people must muster their strength and prepare to oust the Arroyo regime. Towards this end, they may immediately take the lead in an impeachment process like that which exposed Estrada's large-scale plunder in 2000.

The legal democratic movement and the people may also demand an impartial inquiry into the cases of corruption involving the Arroyos, including Ignacio Arroyo who is obviously covering up for his brother and sister-in-law. But first, Gloria must resign or be ousted as president if a truly impartial investigation is to take place.

When we come down to it, the cases of corruption exposed by Sen. Panfilo Lacson, the media and other sectors are but the latest in a growing list of reasons why the people must immediately put an end to the Arroyo regime. As we have earlier said, there are at least 10 reasons why the people must immediately take action to terminate this regime.

In this regard, the New People's Army will intensify tactical offensives to deal heavy head blows against the Arroyo regime, punish it for its utter puppetry, militarism and corruption, and further weaken it and hasten its downfall, as well as to capture arms.

A broad united front of all anti-Arroyo and anti-corruption forces that will coordinate massive demonstrations that may lead to another gigantic uprising like that which overthrew Marcos and Estrada must be formed. The militant patriotic and democratic forces must position themselves at its core to assert significant changes and unite the broadest possible forces.

As the constitutional successor, Vice President Teofisto Guingona may immediately take over as president and lead a caretaker government to immediately rectify Arroyo's transgressions and push through with the next elections. Without Arroyo, the caretaker government can be more relied upon to conduct an impartial inquiry on large-scale corruption than if the person being investigated remains president.

As president, Guingona may advance his much-cherished patriotism and take action to abrogate the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement, revoke the Visiting Forces Afreement, end the Balikatan "exercises," rescind the secret agreement granting American troops immunity from being tried by the International Criminal Court and put an end to plans to amend the constitution to favor US interests and growing US armed intervention in the Philippines.

We likewise expect Guingona to put an end to Arroyo's all-out terrorist war that has wrought great havoc on the lives of the people in the countryside. He may also order an independent or joint investigation on the worsening cases of human rights violations brought about by Arroyo's all-out war.

We are confident that once Guingona takes over, Arroyo's negative approach to the peace talks will be reversed and conditions favorable to the resumption and eventual success of the peace talks between the NDFP and GRP as well as between the GRP and MILF, will be laid down. ###

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