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Unite, comdemn and resist US armed aggression
in Iraq

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
March 18, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines condemns the US' unilateral and overweeningly arrogant declaration of a 48-hour ultimatum on Iraq and the decision to push through with its war of aggression against Iraq after this ultimatum.

US imperialism has no right whatsoever to dictate on Iraq who its leader should be. No country has any right whatsoever to launch armed aggression on Iraq for Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's refusal to leave voluntarily. The Iraqi government and people have every right to choose their leaders. Iraq has all the right to resist, eliminate and defeat attacking foreign armed forces and thwart attempts to establish US imperialist rule.

Bush's wanton disregard for international processes and diplomacy shows that he has no intention of acquiescing to the will of the overhwelming majority of the world's countries. Unable to get what it wanted through the United Nations, the US has preempted and shunted it aside. The US is being driven to such unilateralism by its intense desire to impose its hegemony over Iraq, set up a puppet republic in the country and take control of its oil wealth. US imperialism is likewise being driven by its desperation in the face of the severe economic crisis.

The CPP salutes the Iraqi people for their militancy in defending their country's sovereignty and opposing the dictates of the US imperialist superpower. The Iraqi people have no recourse but to launch a patriotic war against US aggression.

In the face of a US imperialist war declaration on Iraq, the revolutionary forces and peoples of the world must launch all possible means and forms of struggle to overthrow US imperialism.

Filipino revolutionaries and the Filipino people along with all revolutionaries and peoples the world over must stand in solidarity with the the Iraqi people's resistance to US armed aggression. In trampling on the sovereignty and independence of Iraq, the US shows contempt for the basic principle of civilized relations among nations. The threat of US aggression in the Philippines has likewise grown. We must condemn and resist through all possible means the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's blind support for its imperialist master. Governments that support the US war of aggression against Iraq must be overthrown.

The revolutionary forces and people in the US and other belligerent and fascist cohorts of the US in the "coalition of the willing" must launch all possible forms of struggle-legal and illegal, armed and unarmed-to thwart aggression against Iraq and deliver blows on the imperialist governments of George W. Bush of the US, Tony Blair of the UK, Jose Maria Aznar of Spain and John Howard of Australia. It is absolutely correct to call on the people of these imperialist countries to transform the imperialist war into a civil war against their respective warmonger governments. ###

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