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Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
November 22, 2002

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the entire revolutionary movement strongly condemn the treacherous signing by the puppet Macapagal-Arroyo government and US imperialism's representative of the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement. The puppet regime contrived to have the MLSA approved surreptitiously as an executive agreement instead of a treaty.

Fully aware of the people's vehement objection to the MLSA, the puppet government avoided subjecting it to senate and public debate which would have exposed the agreement's real objectives, content and implications on the country's overall welfare and future.

The puppet regime's drumbeaters are now attempting to hoodwink those who oppose the MLSA in saying that provisions for permanent US basing in the Philippines have been removed from the agreement and that the country's consent was needed for any US plans to deploy its military forces stationed in the Philippines. These are all deceptions. By appending the MLSA to the existing Visiting Forces Agreement, it becomes ever clearer that the entire Philippines will be transformed into a US military base.

The MLSA's surreptitious signing is nothing but blind and slavish obsequiousness by the puppet government to its master US imperialism. The chief puppet Macapagal-Arroyo wishes to obey her master's every desire and dictate and become the leading and favored US puppet in Asia. She derangedly believes that whatever US assistance she expects will be able buttress her government that is on the rapid and inexorable path to bankruptcy and shore up her flagging hopes of clinging to power beyond 2004.

In the face of the MLSA's signing as an executive agreement, the Communist Party of the Philippines challenges the various organizations, individuals and sectors that believe in and have concern for Philippine sovereignty and national integrity to redouble their opposition and resistance to the treacherous way by which this agreement was finalized and the threat of US imperialist military aggression advanced by the MLSA. ###

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