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The "secret dossier" is part of the desperate campaign to vilify the CPP and NPA

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
October 12, 2002

The Communist Party of the Philippines condemns the circulation by the Macapagal-Arroyo government of a "secret dossier" among countries within the European Union.

I challenge Mr. Blas Ople to reveal the contents of this so-called dossier which supposedly proves that the CPP and NPA are "terrorist".

If it is true that this dossier passes judicial standards, the CPP challenges the Macapagal-Arroyo regime to use this dossier as basis to file formal charges in the International War Crimes Tribunal which hears cases of war crimes and violations of the Geneva Conventions.

This "secret dossier" is but the latest cheap propaganda shot against the revolutionary movement. It is part of the desperate campaign currently being undertaken by the AFP and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime to vilify the CPP and NPA. This campaign vainly hopes to illustrate the supposed criminal involvement of the NPA and its plans to terrorize the people. The following are but some of the outrightly twisted propaganda issued by the military in the past few days:

(a) that the NPA was involved in the October 12, 2002 bombing in Kidapawan City, North Cotabato;

(b) that the NPA gets funds from jueteng operations

(c) that there are 150 NPA "hit squads" currently in Metro Manila

(d) that the NPA plans to carry out bombings in Metro Manila and Central Luzon.

We categorically deny all of this. They are absolutely baseless and are mere figments of the imagination of psywar operatives who relentlessly concoct ways to tarnish the image of the NPA--even if the stories they come up with are completely beyond the realm of reason and reality.

The military is having such a hard time slandering the NPA because of the extremely fine record of the people's army in upholding the interests of the people and securing their welfare. Thus, it will not take long before the people realize that these psywar operatives base their desperate propaganda on nothing but lies.###

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