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The two NPA raids were trained at legitimate military-target and are not �terrorist acts�

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
September 29, 2002

The two successful raids by the New People�s Army in Maco, Compostela Valley and in Lopez, Quezon were both carried out against legitimate military targets.

In the Quezon raid, even the town Mayor Sonny Ubana was quick to note how the NPA fighters took care of the welfare of the civilians, especially the children, and how they made sure they would not be caught in the crossfire.

The AFP and Malaca�ang are, thus, utterly stupid when they say that these are �terrorist acts�. These acts are far from being terroristic.

Carrying out armed actions against the AFP and PNP do not constitute terrorism. In the course of the armed conflict, active elements of the armed forces of either party are considered legitimate targets, even as the rights of those who have become incapable of fighting or who have surrendered are safeguarded.

Therefore, elements of the PNP are legitimate military targets since they actively play a role in the �counter-insurgency campaign� and are thus a party in the armed conflict. The NPA targets, principally, the most notorious units of the PNP and AFP who have committed the biggest crimes against the people. The NPA aims to confiscate their arms in order to defang the fascists, punish them for their crimes against the people, raise the people�s morale and intensify further the revolutionary armed struggle.

These two successful raids of the NPA illustrate the fact that the revolutionary armed struggle is advancing and gaining strength. The confiscated weapons shall be used to arm the increasing number of new recruits of the NPA.

The two successful raids show that the revolutionary forces are ready to face and frustrate the all-out war campaign of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime.

In accordance with the call of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the revolutionary forces shall intensify the armed struggle by carrying out more and more armed tactical offensives.

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