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The revolutionary movement and people have the right to self-defense

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
August 18, 2002

Whatever action the New People�s Army and revolutionary movement will take against US imperialism and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime will all be within the bounds of self-defense and defending the gains of the people in the territories of the People�s Democratic Government achieved in the course of waging revolution.

People�s war provides us with a broad arsenal, both in terms of weapons and methods, and numerous options to choose from once US imperialism carries out armed provocation against the revolutionary movement.

In carrying out whatever particular measure we take to defend ourselves and the people, foremost consideration will at all times be given to the safety and overall welfare of ordinary civilians who are not involved in the armed conflict, whether they be Filipinos or foreigners.

Contrary to the lies being spread by the likes of Macapagal-Arroyo�s National Security Adviser Roilo Golez, people in areas where the revolutionary movement is strong, benefit from the revolution, especially from agrarian revolution. They gain in terms of lower land rent, lower interest rates on loans, higher wages for farm workers and higher prices for their produce. In some areas, usury and land rent have been totally wiped out.

Often, workers in mines, logging companies, fishponds and other businesses within guerrilla zones and base areas also enjoy benefits such as higher wages and better working conditions due to the efforts of the revolutionary movement.

Because of such benefits, the people cherish, support and defend the revolution and the People�s Democratic Government. They know that their hard-won gains achieved through the help of the revolutionary movement will all be lost and ruined if the AFP and US troops are allowed to go on a rampage in their areas.

The revolutionary movement and people will face a strong and powerful enemy once the US commences its war of aggression in the Philippines. But as we have previously declared, the revolutionary forces are ready to fight in various ways. It is the promise of a society free from oppression and exploitation�a promise that is slowly being realized in guerrilla zones and revolutionary base areas�that gives us the courage and determination to face even the world�s mightiest superpower and its puppet troops.

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