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Condemn Bush�s borderless war !

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
February 02, 2002

The number one imperialist bully has declared a borderless war. Bush brazenly declared extending the war against �terrorists� beyond Afghanistan and to �wherever they are�. Just a few days ago, Bush said �2002 will be the year of proxy wars�. Now, he has become impatient with local puppets and declared further �if they do not act, America will.� He does not even beat around the bush in regard to the purpose of sending American troops to where the enemies of the US are, and this includes the Philippines.

The nature of US military presence now in Mindanao becomes most clear in the light of Bush�s pronouncement: They are for combat and did not come here only to conduct exercises.

US charge d�affairs Robert Fitts also said in yesterday�s ceremony for the launching of Balikatan 02-1 that this will be followed by Balikatan 02-2 and successive Balikatans during the whole year and that the ultimate objective of this is to wipe out the Abu Sayyaf and �terrorism� in the country.

This totally reduces to lying and deception the mincing of words by Philippine government officials about the real purpose of the overly long disposition of a big number of US troops in combat areas in the country.

DND Secretary Angelo Reyes is most candid and has said that after the American forces are through with the Abu Sayyaf, their next target is the New People�s Army. Macapagal-Arroyo also said with a straight face that she finds nothing illegal even if the US troops engage in combat here and even challenges critics to test it in court. But various government officials and spokesmen have been evasive and tried to keep with the charade that the US forces are here only to give training.

Bush is talking and acting the true imperialist militarist that he is. He does not bother quibbling about the national sovereignty of the countries where the enemies of the US are. National sovereignty of other countries is merely something under the US soldiers� boots. He violates the principle in foreign relations that is universally accepted in the civilized world: non-interference in the internal affairs of countries.

Bush�s statement depicts the arrogance of an imperialist master dictating on its puppets and the rest of the world. He has arrogated upon US imperialism absolute power, unilateral action and outright intervention in other countries. This would pave the way for extending Bush�s war of aggression into the Philippines.

The revolutionary movement and the Filipino people should condemn in the strongest possible manner Bush� international war of aggression. The revolutionary movement and the Filipino people should prepare for and strive to give all they can to resist and fight US military intervention in the country.

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