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Scout Rangers Tortured Arrested NPA; AFP Claim of Nine Casualties, a Desperate Propaganda

Rigoberto F. Sanchez
Merardo Arce Command
Southern Mindanao Regional Operational Command
New People's Army
September 27, 2004

The Merardo Arce Command of the New People�s Army strongly condemns the Armed Forces of the Philippines, specifically the Scout Ranger Unit responsible for the torture of arrested Red Fighter Ka Jun-Jun Acog of Brgy. Libudon, Mabini, Compostela Valley. The Scout Rangers inflicted extreme brutality on Ka Jun Jun who deserves to be treated as a Prisoner of War. They forced him--under pain of death--to become an unwilling guide in locating the post of a squad of the 3rd Pulang Bagani Company in Piasusuan, Brgy. Napnapan, Pantukan last September 22, 2004.

It is apparent that the enemy unit was able to raid the NPA position only because of the tactical information it extracted through the use of physical and mental torture. This is a blatant violation of international humanitarian laws governing armed conflicts and of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines-National Democratic Front Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CAR-HR-IHL), notably the following provisions, among others:

  • Protection to those placed hors d� combat, Part IV, Art 2, No. 3;
  • Persons deprived of their liberty for reasons related to the armed conflict, Part IV, Art 2, No 4;
  • Violence to life & person; against torture, cruel treatment, hostage-taking, Part IV, Art 3, No 1; and
  • Requirement of disclosure of information of persons deprived of liberty, Part IV, Art 3, No 3.

The AFP had shamelessly grabbed the propaganda opportunity by falsely claiming nine (9) casualties from the New People�s Army. Contrary to AFP reports, two comrades were martyred, Ka Mawi (Manuel Fernandez) and Ka Ago in the recent NPA defensive action.

The AFP�s Gen. Samuel Bagasin and Lt. Col Agane Adriatico are pathetic liars who believe in their own exaggerated propaganda. This only shows their political desperation and the bankruptcy of their psychological warfare operations. Their desperation emanates from a strategic failure to win over the revolutionary masses. They have dismally failed to reverse the tide of increasing NPA tactical offensives in Southern Mindanao region and in the country.

The Scout Rangers may boast of a so-called "elite" mark but this will not appease the thousands of peasants and Lumads who have become victims and witnesses to their brutality. These fascists have been responsible for the torture and decapitation of arrested NPA comrade Ka JR (Daniel Restituta) in Barangay Simsimin, New Bataan in July 2003.

The Merardo Arce Command shares the grief of the families of Ka Mawi and Ka Ago. Along with the Filipino masses to whom they have selflessly served, we pause to remember their precious contributions to the people's war. The revolutionary forces salute their martyrdom and vow to further intensify the revolutionary armed struggle. #

(Sgd.) Rigoberto F. Sanchez
Merardo Arce Command

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