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    PilipinoEnglish BisayaWaray

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's "Strong Republic" is fast crumbling from within

National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)
July 27, 2003

Young officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who have seen first hand the gross corruption within the government and how far Arroyo and her cabal would go to keep themselves in power have launched a military action to demand the resignation of Arroyo and Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes.

The military rebels, who include 1995 to 2001 PMA graduates, themselves revealed among others that it was Reyes and AFP Intelligence Chief Victor Corpuz who masterminded the bombings in Davao City early this year.

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines is not surprised with these revelations. We are used to the AFP and Philippine National Police committing terrorist actions and attributing them to the revolutionary forces to justify repression.

Nor are we surprised with the action the disgruntled officers and soldiers have taken. It is a product of the anti-people, undemocratic and corrupt military organization wherein ordinary soldiers and junior officers are used as cannon fodders. While generals and other high-ranking officials wallow in luxuries and kickbacks as well as profit from criminal activities such as illegal drugs trade and kidnapping, ordinary soldiers die in the field � and for what? Trifling and delayed wages and benefits, defending a corrupt and rotten regime.

For her own soldiers � indoctrinated for years to follow the chain of command and defend the status quo � to reject her indicates the grave isolation of the Arroyo regime.

This isolation has been brought about by aggravating socioeconomic conditions due to the regime's continuing servility to foreign monopoly interests; rampant corruption; escalating US military intervention in violation of Philippine sovereignty and territorial integrity; and heightened campaigns of terror to suppress the rising mass movement in the country.

The image of "Strong Republic" that the regime had carefully created has smashed completely and hopelessly into pieces, revealing it to be nothing but hollow words and a public relations gimmick.

It's response to the crisis � declaring a state of rebellion � will not solve the restiveness within the military and mirrors the narrow, militarist mindset that dominate the regime.

Meanwhile, for their legitimate grievances to be highlighted and their dissent more effective, the young officers and soldiers must join hands with the broad masses of the people. They must also guard against being used by reactionary politicians for their own schemes and ambitions.

The NDFP calls on all the revolutionary forces to intensify the struggle against the Arroyo-Reyes clique which is responsible for the crisis. It is time to put an end to this regime that has brought nothing but misery and oppression to our people. ###

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