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Message on the 30th Anniversary of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines

Luis T. Jalandoni
Negotiating Panel
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
Abril 24, 2003

Isang maalab na rebolusyonaryong pagbati sa lahat ng mga organisasyon ng National Democratic Front of the Philippines, sa kanyang milyun-milyong miyembro, mga liderato ng mga organisasyon at mga tagapagtaguyod sa ika-tatlumpung anibersaryo ng pagkatatag ng NDF!

A revolutionary salute and heartiest congratulations for thirty years of just struggle for national independence, freedom, and democracy!

We are justly proud of the revolutionary achievements of all the allied organizations of the NDFP. In the fierce struggle against the Marcos fascist dictatorship, the NDFP was born and it grew and spread throughout the whole archipelago despite the ferocious onslaughts of the US-backed dictatorship. Its revolutionary struggle for thirteen years weakened the dictatorship and its united front work helped to overthrow the dictatorship in 1986.

The NDFP continued its revolutionary work through the deceptive and repressive years of the Aquino and Ramos regimes. It played a significant role in the great struggle and victory against the erroneous lines and the renegades in the Second Great Rectification Movement launched by the Communist Party of the Philippines from 1992 to 1998. It participated in the Filipino people's mass uprising to overthrow the corrupt Estrada regime.

The NDFP's allied organizations are now spread throughout the Philippines, in thousands of barrios, in all major cities and numerous other cities and municipalities. The New People's Army, led by the CPP, has 128 guerrilla fronts and the revolutionary mass organizations are carrying out programs of land reform, education, health, and self-defense under the guidance of revolutionary organs of political power.

On this auspicious occasion of the NDFP's 30th anniversary, as we view with pride our substantial revolutionary gains, we honor our hundreds of thousands of martyrs, heroines and heroes, whose sacrifice and total dedication to the national democratic cause of the Filipino people have been vital to the advance of the Philippine revolution. They and so many others who have suffered torture, imprisonment and other forms of state repression, deserve our revolutionary salute. On this occasion, the National Council of the NDFP, on behalf of all allied organizations, confers upon Kasamang Antonio Zumel, the highest award of Hero of the Philippine Revolution for his outstanding service to the Filipino people and the Philippine revolution. Comrade Antonio Zumel and all our other heroes and heroines, and all our martyrs, will continue to inspire us as we carry forward our just struggle for national and social liberation.

As we look forward to continue our struggle, we must face the challenge of the escalating US military intervention in the Philippines. The provocative acts of US imperialism and the Macapagal-Arroyo government require us to be prepared to confront the imminent threat of another US war of aggression. We must confront this with all our strength and creativity, making use of the favorable social and physical terrain of our country, learning from our own rich revolutionary experiences as well as the revolutionary experiences of the Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese and other peoples in defeating wars of aggression, and also counting on the strong solidarity of the peoples of the world.

Onward with our revolutionary struggle for genuine independence, freedom and democracy!

Mabuhay ang Pambansang Demokratikong Prente ng Pilipinas!

Mabuhay ang sambayanang Pilipino!###

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