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Fidel V. Agcaoili
Member and Spokesperson
Negotiating Panel
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
August 10, 2002

As the spokesperson of the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), I wish to inform the public that the NDFP has been displeased by Gloria Macapagal's appointment of Norberto Gonzales as her "back channel" representative to the NDFP Negotiating Panel.

We do not welcome him to be such. We consider him as a political hustler who is notorious for ingratiating himself in the past with the Moro National Liberation Front and then betraying it by supplying intelligence information to the US and Philippine intelligence agencies even during the time of Marcos.

Knowing that he is a selfserving political hustler and with a talent for intrigue within the confines of the ruling system, we cannot expect him to understand what is revolutionary commitment as well as the theory and practice of state and revolution from the viewpoint of a revolutionary.

We have utter contempt for him for trying to steal the scene from the GRP Negotiating Panel and worst of all for persuading the gullible Ms Macapagal that he and Silvestre Afable can neutralize the NDFP across the table while the military and police forces of the state can try to destroy the revolutionary movement by force of arms, and contain the legal democratic forces in the same manner and within the limits set by the ruling politicians in the service of the US and local exploiting classes.

Norberto Gonzales is more of a jesuitical swindler than an ignoramus on the theory and practice of state and revolution when he preaches that the Communist Party of the Philippines should realize the reality of the 21st century that societal change and political power are no longer achieved through the force of arms.

He pretends to be unaware that the Philippine banana republic is a product of US economic, political and military dominance. He obscures the fact that his imperialist master, the wholesale terrorist USA, is increasingly launching wars of aggression, under the guise of going after retail terrorists like Al Qaida and Abu Sayyaf, while the "free market" globalization has gone bankrupt and the crisis of the US and world capitalist system is causing political turmoil and violence all over the world.

Gonzales is extremely dishonest by pretending not to know that Ms. Macapagal has received orders from the US to use counterrevolutionary violence, in the form of all-out war, either to destroy or force the revolutionary movement to capitulate.

He is an inveterate liar by censoring the information that leaders and members of Bayan Muna are being kidnapped, tortured and murdered because the regime, the military and his slimy kind cannot tolerate even only three congressmen of Bayan Muna in the Lower House of Congress.

We can expect human rights violations on a greater scale if and when Bayan Muna wins more seats in forthcoming elections despite the tremendous odds put up by the US and the local reactionaries.

Certainly, the bloody and plundering superiors of Gonzales will be able to oppress and exploit the people with impunity more than ever before, if the New People's Army ceases to exist. The big problem for the oppressors and exploiters is that the NPA grows bigger and stronger as the crisis of the domestic ruling system and the world capitalist system worsens. ###

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