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The GRP-NDFP peace talks should continue

Fr. Santiago "Sanny" Salas
Spokesperson in Eastern Visayas
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
January 29, 2003

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines calls on all those in Eastern Visayas who aspire for a just and lasting peace�especially church people, human rights advocates and concerned government officials�to help push forward the peace talks between the GRP and NDFP.

Through the talks, the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law can be implemented through the setting up of a joint monitoring committee. This is urgently needed in the face of the grave human rights violations committed by the AFP, PNP, CAFGU and the armed henchmen of big corporations and landlords not only here in our region, but throughout the Philippines.

The resumption of formal peace negotiations will put on centerstage the question of socioeconomic reforms, which is the scheduled agenda based on the previous agreements. It is timely and urgently needed by the people in the face of the unbearable socio-economic crisis of the country. But it seems the Macapagal-Arroyo government is not interested in formally talking peace with the NDFP. For if it is sincere and interested in talking peace:

  1. It will junk its unilaterally proposed �single and final peace agreement� which has no other purpose but to compel the NDFP to surrender and avoid solving the roots of the armed conflict.
  2. It will withdraw its arbitrary and malicious tagging of the NDFP and the entire revolutionary movement as �terrorist�, stop its brutal �war without rules� ostensibly against �terrorists� but which is greatly victimizing innocent civilians.
  3. Respect the 10 previous agreements reached by the GRP and NDFP in negotiations since 1992, including the implementation of the CARHRIHL, guarantee the security and freedom of the NDFP personnel, consultants and supporters of the peace talks, and enter the formal process and scheduled agenda of the peace negotations.

The NDFP and the Filipino people are losing hope that the formal peace negotiations can resume under the administration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Inspite of this, the NDFP is open, ready and hopeful that the talks will resume if Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will be replaced by a president who is more open-minded, protects the interest of the people, and therefore, sincere in continuing the peace talks.

Together with the Filipino people, the NDFP will persevere in the struggle for a just and lasting peace�whether within the framework of formal peace negotiations or outside it. ###

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