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Al-Ghozi Pursuit Operations: US-GMA Regime�S Pretext for Continued Attacks Against the Bangsamoro

Adan Sindapan
National Democratic Front-Western Mindanao
August 28, 2003

The National Democratic Front-Western Mindanao Region condemns the militarization in the Moro areas purportedly in pursuit operations of the convicted terrorist Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi. The so-called escape of Al-Ghozi from a highly secured Camp Crame is stage-managed and the handiwork of Gen. Angelo Reyes.

It is a desperate move of the US-Arroyo regime in pushing further the US-instigated war on terror in the country, and their face-saving maneuver for the 2004 elections.

Not different from the Pikit offensive where the AFP stridently claimed that it was pursuing the Pentagon Gang, the Al-Ghozi so-called escape once again has become the license of the fascist regime to stall peace negotiations with the MILF and militarize the Moro people. The AFP has shamelessly accused the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) of harboring Al-Ghozi despite the MILF�s condemnation of terrorism and denial of any links to the Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah.

The recent clash between the AFP and the MILF in Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte and the capture of the MILF Camp Salaman Al-Farieshi by AFP troops reveal the more sinister ploy of the Arroyo-Reyes clique in deliberately �releasing� Al-Ghozi.

*On August 7, shortly after the AFP launched the pursuit operations against Al-Ghozi, Major General Trifonio Salazar, head of Task Force Tabak and 1st Infantry Division Commander presented to the media dead bodies of alleged MILF fighters killed by Tabak troops. The AFP allegation that one of them was Mukim Edris, Al-Ghozi�s companion and the identities of the other dead bodies could not be verified since they were buried immediately on orders of SND Mayor Motalib Dimaporo.

Eight persons went missing after the Tabak operation in Barangay Bauyan, Sultan Naga Dimaporo. The MILF leadership acknowledged them as: Sakib Esmail, Mohmin Abdul, Rasul Hasim, Jeran Ulanda, Gayson Ulanda, Siddiq Edris, Sapra Bago and Mahmod Esmail. They are non-combat personnel according to the MILF. Mahmod Esmail was found dead in Brgy. Bansarvil 2, SND on August 8. While the dead bodies of Jeran Ulanda, Gayson Ulanda, Sapra Bago and Siddiq Edris were recovered by relatives on August 18 in Kumalarang, Zamboanga del Sur. Sakib Esmail, Mohmin Abdul and Rasul Hasim are still missing.

The families of those killed and missing asserted that the victims were unarmed when captured by Task Force Tabak troops under the command of a certain Col. Rodriguez.

Maj. Gen. Salazar said they were killed in a legitimate encounter. However, inside informants disclosed that the missing who were later found dead were brought and detained inside the premises of the 1st Infantry Division in Upper Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga del Sur. On August 19, Hadji Yunos Esmail, brother of the missing Sakib Esmail was also abducted in Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City by armed men riding in vehicles without plates.

*The AFP burned and destroyed houses and food supplies during the siege and hundreds of civilians evacuated from the immediate site of the attack. Peace advocates and human rights groups disclosed that during the Camp Salaman assault, three unnamed civilians were also killed by the Charlie Coy of the Task Force Tabak.

The state terrorism of US-Arroyo regime, directed by the U.S. has serious repercussions to the current peace situation in Mindanao. It has wrought death and destruction to the Bangsamoro populace. This only goes to show that the regime and its militarist schemes are the single biggest and most serious roadblock to the attainment of a just peace not only in Mindanao but throughout the country as well.

The NDF-Western Mindanao Region calls on all the patriotic and progressive forces of Mindanao to steadfastly expose and fight the US-GMA regime�s warmongerings against the Bangsamoro and entire Mindanao.

We encourage the religious groups and nationalist local officials to work for the release of those abducted persons and conduct impartial investigation to the continuing disappearances and summary executions of ordinary and innocent Moro civilians, all in the name of US-instigated �war on terrorism.� ###

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