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Jubilate in the 34th anniversary of the New People's Army

Christians for National Liberation-Eastern Visayas
March 29, 2003

It is written that there is a season and a time for everything under heaven, to love and to hate, for war and for peace. We in the Christians for National Liberation (CNL) memorialize the 34th anniversary of the New People's Army today to remind all freedom-loving people that more than ever we are in a time of revolution and people's war. The people are up in arms over their intolerable suffering in the crisis caused by imperialist globalization as well as the corrupt and puppet governance of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Even abroad, whirlwinds of revolution and resistance are sweeping the world, especially against the renewed aggression of US imperialism, which is now attacking Iraq.

The NPA has come this far because it walks in righteousness to redress the social grievances of the people. The Arroyo regime desperately portrays the NPA as creating a climate of fear. In truth, it is the Arroyo regime that reigns by terror through militarization and martial law measures in the midst of the most wretched poverty. Being morally bankrupt and anti-people, the AFP-PNP in their counterrevolutionary Oplan Gordian Knot pays especial emphasis on stigmatizing the NPA.

The AFP churns out black propaganda and dirty intrigues against the CPP-NPA on a weekly and monthly basis. These serial fabrications include accusing the NPA of extortion, mass killings, recruiting minors, assassination and bomb plots, and other falsehoods. High-ranking military and police officers regularly rail against the NPA and challenge the people to choose between the government and the revolutionary movement.

But because the NPA carries the interests of the people, the voice of the people is one with the NPA. The NPA is blessed with a noble purpose as the army for the people's liberation from foreign and local domination. This magnanimity of spirit in serving the Motherland distinguishes the NPA from the treachery of spirit of the AFP who fight for the interests of the elite as well as being the proxy army of US imperialism. The faith and love of the people are with the NPA as they jointly struggle for a free country, a new Philippines.

It is a sacred obligation for all those who value freedom to fight for it by joining the New People's Army. Many of the church people themselves in Eastern Visayas priests, nuns and pastors have taken this to heart as revolutionary fighters in the NPA and the people's democratic movement. The pleasure is thus the greater for those in CNL in expressing the gratitude of the people to the NPA for all its sacrifices and hard work as an army forging the way in the wilderness. The spirit and support of the people will always be with them.

Long live the NPA, the army for the people's liberation!

Long live the people s democratic revolution!

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