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NPA denies death threats against Comval lawyer

Rigoberto F. Sanchez
Merardo Arce Command
Southern Mindanao Regional Operational Command
New People's Army
March 07, 2005

The Merardo Arce Command- Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command of the New People's Army categorically denies sending death threats to Comval lawyer Dexter Lopoz. There is no truth to news reports late last month tagging the NPA as attempting to harass Atty. Lopoz.

The NPA has not authorized one Eduardo Genelsa to sign as the NPA's Pulang Bagani Officer III and send a letter to Atty. Lopoz claiming that the contention of Atty. Lopoz's client and victim-complainant Benjamin Traballo are lies and that the accused Boy Arangcon is innocent.

In the same vein, there is no grain of truth in one Allan Estrella, purportedly an NPA commander, signing as alias "Fiel" on a letter sent to Atty. Lopoz and to his client wherein it alleged that the NPA had conducted an investigation on the issue.

The storyline is simply malicious and fictitious. The preposterous accusation can only be a natural offshoot of the current spate of summary killings executed by goons and police/military agents in collusion with the reactionary local governments and various interest groups and individuals.

The reactionary government has failed to curb the series of senseless killings in the region, proof that it is either condoning or actively abetting the attacks against innocent civilians including lawyers and other members of the middle class. Criminal syndicates enjoying protection from the police, the military and local reactionary officials perpetrate with impunity and indiscriminately the murderous rampage against these individuals, and cowardly heap the responsibility to the NPA.

At no time has the NPA regarded Atty. Lopoz or his client as having blood debts nor have they been parties to any case necessitating death penalty in the dispensation of revolutionary justice. The NPA adheres to strict guidelines in the implementation of revolutionary justice in the territories of the people's democratic government.#

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